


Lazy weekend cocktail

Although the bank holiday wasn't the sunniest, I had a well-deserved break and I couldn't help make myself a naughty little sunshine tipple – hey it's 5 o'clock somewhere! 

I used a 0.5L Kilner bottle to serve my drink, but just double the measurements if you want to fill a litre jug. Or, if you want to make a mocktail just replace the Passoa for passionfruit juice.

All you need:
3 shots of Passoa (my favourite liquor as it takes just like juice!)
250ml Mango juice (not from concentrate)
100ml lemonade
Optional, serve with ice and lime :)

If you've got a cocktail shaker, mix your Passoa and mango juice together. If not, just mix them in your serving jug or bottle.

Then, add your lemonade and serve. Easy! It really is my lazy, no-fuss fruity toddy.

What's your naughty sunshine drink?
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Swing by for a natter!

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