


8 of the best baked doughnuts recipes ever

Baked doughnut recipes
From double chocolate, custard filled to mincemeat doughnut holes, I've got every kind of doughnut you'd ever want to bake in once place. Check out these sweet bun recipes to fulfil your sweet tooth once and for all.

Last year I was baking doughnuts left, right and centre and much to my dismay I have been pretty doughnut-less for all of 2015. So a doughnut round up was only fair to get my fix before the new year.

Maple syrup, vanilla and cinnamon (amongst other amazing flavours) these rings would be gone in seconds at my house!

Chocolate and vanilla custard are one of my favourite combinations so I knew these doughnuts would be a match made in heaven.

These yummy festive treats are definitely going to be present at my Christmas this year. What is better than mincemeat? Nothing I tell you... nothing!

I absolutely love churros for their crispy exterior covered, but they aren't the most healthy as they're usually fried. So these treats by Kitchen Nostaliga gives us a (slightly) healthier version. 

Another recipe I've tried and tested, the lemon and blueberry flavours make these doughnuts lovely and light. Perfect with a cuppa.

I couldn't do a doughnut round up without showcasing a sugar ring doughnut! These take the standard sugar ring to a whole new level. The cinnamon gives them the perfect hum of warmth – great this time of year!

Marshmallow frosting, peanut butter and greek yoghurt – what a bloody combo! These doughnuts I've got to try – who'd think you could bake them at home!

A slight twist on my fruit doughnuts earlier, these rings are slightly more indulgent, with a lovely sticky toffee glaze. 

I've always preferred baking doughnuts to frying them as I always seem to end up in a messy oily state. If you've never tried a baked doughnut – make sure to give one of these a go!

Swing by for a natter!
*Images of doughnuts are by each specific author. I do not own any rights.


  1. You always make me fill I need to bake, love the variety of doughnuts!

  2. I'm loving the Churro and French Toast Doughnuts they sound great. I need them right now. I have asked for a doughnut pan for Christmas so I can get my doughnut on next year.


    1. Hi Felicity, I made them the other day – they're so good! Ooo good choice, I have the Wilson one. They're great at making your usual cake mix into something a bit different!

  3. A clean, smooth finish could turn your next cake into a professional looking celebration comfort food and it is easy to achieve if you follow a few guidelines. Here are my top ten tips for creating a lovely smooth cake.


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